Bible in Hausa, Swahili and other languages online

You can download or read online the Bible in Hausa, Swahili and other languages on the French-speaking website La Bible multilingue.

At the top of the screen, you can choose the language and the book, chapter and verse you want to read.

On a help page you find an explanation how it all works.

If you prefer to download the text and read it offline, go to the download page. There, you find all the different Bible versions:

You need to install Lucida Unicode or another Unicode font in order to see the special characters.

41 thoughts on “Bible in Hausa, Swahili and other languages online”

  1. God bless you so much for this resource you have made available. i was afraid an electronic swahili bible does not exist!
    send me updates, articles and links by email.

  2. @Bro.Rufus:

    Dear Rufus,

    I am the person running this weblog. Sorry I can’t send you any updates on the above mentioned website “La Bible multilingue”. I treid to find out who is responsible for it, but couldn’t find any hint on the website. Enjoy reading the Bible in Kiswahili!

  3. Hi, i will be more excited if i can be able to get hausa version of the holy bible on net. please if it can be possible send to my mail. i use cell phone. thank you.

  4. Hallo. Thank you for good work you are doing and also the information you are supplying.
    Where can l download the kikuyu bible or read it online?
    God bless.

  5. I will love to have a Bible in Hausa, because that will help me to know Bible much. i love readig Bible and i believe in everything Bible is teaching. I was born and raised as Moslem, but after i took time to read and have a Bible study. I believe in Bible very well and to have it in my own language will be very helpfull because i will like to try and make my other people understand is the TRUTH and there is no other book like Bible. Thank You

  6. in jesus name amen.may God bless us and give us the ziel to save him in spirit and in trueth.may he sendown his anjel to us.may he give us hope peace in jesus name Amen.please i will like to have hausa bible in my phone please send it to me or the web adress thanks and remain bless.

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